Tuesday, 22 February 2011

At last...woo hoo

The passports have been returned from the US embassy, we leave tomorrow Wednesday for Providence...

..now all we have to hope is that the movers can find a spot in their schedule to deliver all our worldly possessions.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Saying Ciao, Ciao and waiting...

After a very enjoyable leaving dinner with my colleagues in London, I can thoroughly recommend Expresso Martini's at Cecconis if you get the chance. Aila and I headed up to mum & dads to say goodbye. 

A three year old has never been better behaved, even in the frozen tundra, that is windswept Norfolk in February... and grandma only cried when we left, which in itself was an amazing achievement.

So now back in London town, we sit here trying to finalise the last few outstanding items...

Isn't amazing how quickly we come to take the most minor items for granted, like most people I bank on-line, I assumed that I would be able to transfer money between my UK and and US account on-line. Oh no sir, that functionality is a couple of months away, so 15 minutes later i'm still on hold to the call centre...guess somethings i'm going to have to get used to for the time being.

Now we wait for confirmation that Laura and Aila's passports will be delivered tomorrow, if not then we will not be flying until Wednesday, which would not be the best as our furniture and possessions are supposed to be delivered on Wednesday...more importantly Verizon are currently booked for installation Thursday morning, I guess its going to mean more time on hold listening to muzak.......

god help kenny g if our paths ever cross....


Friday, 18 February 2011

Heading West


After many years of thinking about blogging, I have finally decided to commit to doing so. Primarily to capture the various random thoughts that enter my head, more importantly to provide my daughter with a history of her early life and to help her understand why as a family, we have decided to pack up our belongings and head west.

How far west, well as of next week we will be moving from the hustling, vibrant city that is London and head west some 3,320 miles to Providence, Rhode Island. 

So now begins the journey, on the blog and in reality.

Happy Travels
