One of the many reasons for leaving the UK was that had I become so tired with the daily commute, when Aila was born it became clear very quickly that if we stayed in the UK, I would never have the opportunity to spend much quality time with Aila than if we were to move country. I may be old fashioned in this view, when I became a father I didn't want to be the dad who was never there, I only have one daughter, I wanted to maximise my time with her.
Although I thoroughly enjoyed riding the scooter for the past 2 years, indeed I even managed to refine my route over time, so that the journey time from office to home took no longer than 45 minutes. My goal when moving over here was to have a commute of no longer than 15-20 minutes.
When we started looking at properties they were all within this time range, ultimately we settled on our current apartment which is the grand total of a five minute walk from the office. So now rather than driving through Brixton, Clapham, down the albert embankment and up the mall (i'll admit there are worse commutes in life!) My commute now takes me over the bridge and past the ice rink, not quite the Mall and Buckingham Palace, for the time being though I prefer the ice rink and the zamboni....